Hello friends. If you’ve been here for a while or you’re brand new, welcome. How’s life going? Enough small talk, let’s dive into it.

Think about these questions. You getting everything you want? Doing everything you want? Living with no regrets?

Knowing me and knowing you (a-ha), I highly doubt that you are answering yes to all of these questions. And I’m not being cynical or negative about it, I’m just stating the real facts here. But if you are answering yes to all of these, I applaud you. Keep doing what you’re doing. But if you answered no to any of them I’m here to drop some knowledge and inspiration on you.

I found the quote “If nothing changes, nothing changes” probably on some text post on Instagram on my explore page many years ago and I honestly forgot about it for a couple years but I saw it again on Twitter recently and I was ~*inspired*~. So I wrote it on my mirror. And for all my peeps out there who never watched old YouTube DIYs or life hack videos on “how to achieve your goals for 2014!” boy do I have a tip for you.

Write on your bathroom mirror.

Now if your mother or parental figure is anything like mine, this may be a hard task. But if you’re living in your own space like a dorm room or an apartment or even your own home, I HIGHLY encourage you to write on your mirror. Tasks you need to get done, goals you have for yourself, things you want to accomplish, lil self love messages, tallies for the days you’ve been doing a new habit you want to implement, or even wack quotes, the sky is the limit here.

Think about the amount of times you see that mirror. Whether you’re washing your face, brushing your teeth, picking at a pimple, washing your hands, putting on make up, checking your outfit before you run out the door, or even just running to use the toilet, you use this mirror quite often (and don’t worry my communal bathroom dorm people, I think you have a mirror/ sink in your own room if I’m correct). A lot of the times, this mirror is one of the first things you see every day after you wake up so why not do a little subconscious work while you’re at it.

Boost your self confidence by taking the time to write down at least one thing you like about yourself on the mirror when you wake up and soon you’ll have enough compliments to have you leaving the door feeling like a bada** every day all day. Write down some affirmations and build your confidence! Finesse the Law of Attraction and write down goals, dreams, or ideas you have and use that mirror to manifest them into your life. If you’re trying to implement a new habit into your life, keep track of it and write it down to see how long of streak you have. If you’re trying to ditch a bad habit, create a tally system with the title “days since last ____.” It could be as simple as “cigarette” if you’re trying to quit smoking. It’ll help you realize how far you’ve gone without it and how you shouldn’t stop now if you’ve come this far. And if you do fall off the wagon, you can always try again and beat your streak.

Just be sure to use a dry erase marker!

Now moving on to quotes, you can write anything that inspires you. ANYTHING.

My current favorite is the one this post is centered around. When my roommates first read it on our mirror they didn’t quiiiiite understand it at first but if you include the rest of the quote it can make more sense.

“If nothing changes, nothing changes. If you keep doing what you’re doing, you’re going to keep getting what you’re getting. You want change, make some.” – Courtney C. Stevens 

The first part is enough to get me motivated because think about it, if you want a change in your life, you’re the one who has to make that change because it is your life. And the possibilities in your life are endless! If you want to be more fit or healthy, only you can be the one to sign up for that gym membership and get there and work out. If you want to go vegan or vegetarian, it’s up to you to find new meatless recipes and look up ways to get plant based protein in your diet. If you want to save the environment, do your part! Eliminate your use of plastic straws and reuse metal ones! If you just want to drink more water daily, it’s up to you to make that change and drink more water or carry around a (reusable) water bottle. If you want better skin, it’s up to you to drink water, eat better, and complete that skin routine every night. If you want more sleep, it’s up to you to manage your time better. You get the idea.

And sometimes it can be as simple as changing your attitude about something. It could be going to school or work with an open mind and a positive attitude. It could be approaching other people with kindness and a being more eager to understand where they are coming from and their point of view.

If you want something or something changed in your life, it’s up to YOU to do it!

You can complain about it as much as you want but the only thing you’re getting done is irritating others around you (lol fr tho). And if it’s out of your hands and you can’t change it, change your attitude towards it and focus on what YOU can do to either get out of that situation or make it better so you can be doing what you want to be doing.

It sounds pretty simple and easy but it can be hard to make changes when it’s so much simpler to stay in our comfort zones. No one’s perfect, but we can try.

And so I leave you with another quotable mirror quote,

“If not now, when? If not you, who?”  – Hillel the Elder

Go make the changes you want to see and accomplish what you want. Work towards being the person you want to be starting TODAY. Because if you aren’t bettering yourself, no one else can do it for you.

Kasual kook xx

PS If you miss my writing, go check out what else I’ve been writing recently here. 🙂

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