The Coffee Upgrade You Didn’t Know You Needed

As someone who’s pretty lame and uncultured in most aspects of life having never eaten at a Burger King, gotten her drivers license yet, and just recently tried Taco Bell and pizza rolls, my greatest flex in the game Never Have I Ever was saying I’ve never had coffee before.

My mom was really into eating healthy when my siblings and I were growing up (still is) so while everyone rolled up to high school flexing their Dunkin or Starbucks, I sipped on my water as my mom yelled out the window how much she loved me.

Whenever we volunteered at church and gave out coffee to church goers all day (subtle flex), we weren’t allowed a sip. Whenever my friends and I would slide to Starbucks to keep us going as we walked around the mall, I was that kid who got the ~*Strawberries & Crème Frappuccino*~ or smoothie (which were not only more expensive but rarely on most menus). And whenever everyone else was chilling drinking monster energy drinks or taking shots of five hour energy, I was basically running on my own mental deterioration to keep me going like the little energizer bunny I am.

My mom’s main excuse for not allowing us to drink coffee, besides the rumor that caffeine stunts your growth (and I don’t need help in that department), wasn’t necessarily the coffee itself, but everything that goes in it. When you’re younger, you’re not going to immediately drink straight black coffee with shots of espresso. Instead, you’re probably going to drink something with a khaki-ish color that you could probably get out of a vending machine somewhere in a glass bottle (you know those Frappuccinos I’m talking about) until your taste buds develop.

Coffee isn’t a bad thing, it’s a great thing! It tastes and smells great, can warm you up, and it can keep you going when you’re exhausted. It’s just what you put in it that can make it harmful in excess. So as finals season is coming around or ending for you, I have found the perfect healthy life hack that can not only save you some money when you’re constantly switching to a non-dairy alternative at Starbucks, but can also elevate your coffee game and keep you fuller. And no, it’s not that skinny tea nonsense.

And I’m going to be real and transparent with you, they sent me some and asked me my thoughts on it. But these are my honest thoughts and opinions about it! I wanted to share it with you all in case you wanted to try an easier and healthier more beneficial creamer for your coffee that tastes great.

What is it?

Coconut Cloud makes healthy coconut milk creamers, hot cocoas, and lattes that you can actually take on the go. They come in super cute easy to open packaging and fit just about anywhere and even in the smallest of bags. From long road trips to even flights, you can take this powdered creamer on the go and add it to your favorite drink, smoothie, or even oatmeal so no need to worry about keeping it cold or whether or not it fits the liquid limit on flights. Plus who doesn’t love a 100% women-owned business!

What’s ACTUALLY in it?

One of the newest trends is adding fat to your cup of coffee like butter or coconut oil to help your coffee keep you fuller longer. Both of those options don’t really sound appetizing and one isn’t even dairy free, but what if I told you that this coconut creamer contains MCT oil which does the same thing but in a healthier way!

MCT oil, or medium-chain triglycerides, is a form of fat derived from coconuts not to be confused with LCTs, or long-chain triglycerides. LCTs are not only structurally different from MCTs and frequently found in the American diet in butter, olive oil, and canola oil, but they’re also processed differently in your body.

According to this study, MCT oil can help you feel fuller after eating by increasing the release of the hormones peptide YY and leptin which both promote the feeling of fullness. And because it’s shorter in molecular chain length compared to LCTs, MCT can be broken down and absorbed faster by body cells to give you an immediate source of energy to the brain. If you’re still curious, feel free to peruse their beautiful blog and read more about the subject! 

Plus it’s vegandairy-freesoy-freecertified gluten-freecarrageenan-free, and non-GMO so almost anyone with any diet can enjoy saving some cash and feeling fuller.

Hot Cocoa?!

And as someone who only drinks coffee when she has to, I’m also a huge fan of their delicious vegan hot cocoa. Most instant hot cocoa you have to warm up some milk to make it taste a step up from watery brown (I said what I said) and even then it’s just kinda meh (you heard me) despite being full of sugar and thickening agents.

This vegan hot cocoa can be taken anywhere and only takes hot water to make because it just IS rich, creamy and delicious with a hint of coconut. The stuff is like crack. Plus it comes in a pouch if you’re making a bunch for a fall/winter party or get together with friends or a lil hot cocoa stick if you’re down to enjoy a warm cup on your own!

This hot cocoa mix also only contains all the good stuff aka real cocoa, coconut sugar, and coconut cream so you know exactly what’s going into your body. It also has a shelf life of 2 years so you can secure some now and be fully stocked for year-round, guilt-free hot cocoa consumption.

Why do I care?

Living a dairy-free life not only helps you, but also our environment! Even if you’re not super committed to go full vegan or vegetarian, simply making small smarter choices can go a long way when it comes to living a more sustainable life to ensure our planet is around for more generations to come. And when you compare it to other dairy or non-dairy milks out there, coconut milk uses the least irrigation water out of even some of the most popular plant-based milk options.

And the best part?

It’s all on sale right now!

So go hit up Coconut Cloud on their website and secure these products yourself! You can even check out their blog on their website that includes not only the health benefits to using coconut creamer in your coffee and recipes, but also recipes on how to use their products to make some delicious treats like Vegan Matcha White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups with their matcha green tea latte mix, (Vegan) Chocolate Pudding Pie with Coconut Whipped Cream made with their vanilla coconut creamer, or even Brownies With Almond Butter Frosting (Vegan, Gluten Free) made with their Vegan Hot Cocoa.

Whether you’re looking to up your coffee game and get even more benefits out of your cup of joe or you’re looking for a healthier hot cocoa mix to keep you warm or just a nice warm latte, feel free to check out Coconut Cloud and read up more about their products.

Kasual kook xx

PS. A huge thank you to Coconut Cloud for introducing me to their amazing products and for sending me some so I could try them and tell y’all about them! All of these thoughts and opinions are my own.

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